The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it- JOHN 1:5
The Gardens series- Three stories of strength, family, and resurrection. Starting in this garden... Jesus gathered the strength to overcome the sins of all of mankind. Find out that family, has a deeper and more expanded meaning. And finally from death and burial....comes resurrection and life. Walk out of the darkness and find light with the Gardens series from Bay Area Beard Co.
GETHSEMANE-Gethsemane is a garden at he foot of the mount of olives in Jerusalem where according to the four gospels of the new testament, Jesus underwent the agony in the garden and was arrested the night before his crucifixion. It is a place of great resonance in Christianity. There are several small olive groves on church property all adjacent to each other and identified with biblical Gethsemane
MISHPACHA- Meaning family in hebrew- Mishpacha represents the entire family unit/clan from either by blood or marriage( Sometimes even including close friends) This term employs a strong positive connection with friendship, and closeness to even the most distant of relatives.
GOLGOTHA-Golgotha, otherwise known as Calvary, is the canonical site in which Jesus was crucified. Known as "the place of the skull", its true location is disputed, however its possible the Mt. of Olives is the true Golgotha fullfiling Tu'mat Hamet (ritual for ritual uncleanness)